
Welcome! This site was created in order to offer help and resources on one site for the Orange Stockholm/Huawei U8180. Here you can find many interesting guides and tutorials. Enjoy your stay! The site is currently under construction. More content will be added soon! If you have any questions, try the FAQ page.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

How to root your phone

With this tutorial you will manage to root your phone and remove branded software.

(If you own a Huawei U8180 (Not Orange Stockholm) only the First Step is necessary, also if you don't want to remove branded software, just to root the phone)

1st Step: Enable installation from unknown sources (Go to menu> settings> applications>) and usb debugging from the same path (menu>settings>applications>development), install Gingerbreak v1.2, run it (download the program to your pc, connect your phone's SD card to your pc, copy the apk file to your SD card, disconnect your phone from your pc then run the program from your SD card). When the program finishes acquiring superuser privileges it will restart.

2nd Step: Then install root capable File Manager (Grant superuser privileges if asked).

3rd Step: Open and modify /default.prop with the File Manager. (Enable Read/Write=the program should display "Mounted as r/w" in the top of the screen press the screen on default.prop until a list pop up, scroll down to the "Open in Text Editor" command)
  Change line: to
 Save file.

4th Step: Install Terminal Emulator, run the following command (type the words, then press enter; you don't have to type the $ symbol):
$ su
$ mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock8 /cust

5th Step: Run the File Manager again and delete /cust/orange folder, but leave the /cust/lost+found folder there. (You can delete a folder by pressing it until a list pops up with the command Delete)

Reboot(Restart) your phone.

6th Step: Install Root Uninstaller: Uninstall all programs with same Orange coloured icon (usually the following, without the complete list:)
Orange homescreen, analogue clock, digital clock, homescreen tips, Orange headlines, Orange startup, Vip contacts, Profiles, Sim toolkit, stock games...

7th Step: Reboot your phone.

Now you have a clean Android system.
Clean Froyo 2.2


P.S.: You loose your warranty if you root your phone!!!


  1. Can you make a video tutorial ? :D

    I read on some forums that the phone does not start after root, it is true ?

    1. Only if you delete orange startup, Because the phone encounters errors looking for a file that doesn't exist.

  2. I try to root my Orange Stockholm

    But Gingerbreak shows me

    Rooting ....
    Running exploit ...
    This may take a few minutes !
    Device will reboot on sucess !

    This is what i see on the screen for hours waiting for it to complete, but it doesn't reboot or even i couldnt see,

    1. Damn it, I'm having the same problem. I think it's something to do with the phone's bootloader being locked or S-ON or something like that - I'm not sure yet. Still trying to figure it out and get this job done. Can someone please help?

    2. I have the same problem with that. Can someone please help?

  3. I cant access /default.prop because it is mounted in ro mode not rw mode. is there a way to access as rw?

  4. but i appears ' mounted r/o ' :(( what should i do ?

    1. You should try a different file manager, which has superuser permissions.

  5. Brilliant info. Followed this to letter and now I have a nice clean android system. Will follow the rest of your guides on overclocking and custom roms.

  6. The Gingerbread-v1.2 link doesn't work, it takes me to a site where the requested file couln't be found?

  7. That happen to me too
